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Nico and family

Three-year old Nico has been Anne's client even before birth. He and his family have regular treatments. He was having difficulty adjusting to a new sibling and during a craniosacral treatment we tapped into sadness in his body and we worked with emotional release.  The following day his mother texted this update:

"Nico had a huge cry leaving the park. When he was back in the car he asked, 'but why was I so sad mama.' I said she didn’t know why but he could talk about it. He told me, 'I want to go to Anne’s house because she feels me better.' His behavior quickly shifted back to his normal self."


Twelve years ago, I found myself dealing with concerning symptoms. Slurred speech, balance issues, blackouts, panic attacks etc. The severity of my symptoms were on the extreme end of things. It was a challenging time for me.

After an MRI and CT scan, I was provided with no diagnosis and zero solutions while undergoing numerous conventional tests.

I turned to holistic healthcare to find myself in the supportive arms of an Advanced Craniosacral Therapist named Anne Belohorec. She provided me with craniosacral work on my central nervous system, organs, fascia, palate, and skull.

I vividly recall the cessation of my panic attacks after our first treatment. I was immediately convinced of her skill, and booked with Anne for continuous treatment thereafter. After much work, she helped bring my body back to balance, and I continue to live symptom-free to this day.

Twelve years later I continue to see Anne for maintenance treatments, but appointments now deal with my training routine's ravages.


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